Monday, March 14, 2011

Lord help me.

Michael decided to whip up some beverages in the backyard this afternoon.

It was right in time to mess up my newly mopped floors.
Picture 1716

Picture 1715

Picture 1706

Picture 1712

After 2 full hours of mixology I finally stripped him down and got him in the bath.

Picture 1722

Picture 1723

Picture 1726

Things were looking up until I decided to hop in the shower and found that Mike replaced OUR soap with this.

Picture 1728

Um hello!?!?! I still live here. 

This house is slowly being taken over by testosterone.


Liz said...

I was going to suggest you bring a good "bitch" into the house, until I remembered that dog is MAN's best friend. In conclusion, you need a new diamond.

Jordan K. Foster said...

Uhhhh??? Do you really take the camera in the shower with you? Strange.

Sarah said...

Liz- I like your style.

Jorday- What? You don't?

Heidi Bruch said...

I'm with Lizzy. Bring on the bling!

Ps, you are getting pretty fancy shmance with your photos...way to go!

Sarah said...

Thanks Heidi... I finally figured out how to shoot on manual and it is sort of fun to play with:) I'm a bit addicted right now!

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