Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Three's Company

Picnik collage

Poor Max woke up from his afternoon nap with an ear infection, so we were the lucky recipients of a visit from Noah. 
While Max was at the doctor's office getting checked out, these three had the time of their lives. 
There really does come a point that it is easier having another kid around.  I was able to putter around the kitchen while the 4 year old's entertained each other.
Loved it!


Jess said...

Thanks for having Noah over. Noah of course loved it. You didn't want to share that they spent 75 percent of the time in the bathroom?

Sarah said...

I'm trying to work on my over sharing:) It was a nice having him made the night fly by! I forgot to tell you that Colin was really into watching everything Noah did:)

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