Sunday, March 13, 2011


Dear Diary, I feel so misunderstood.  My parents just don't get it...
Picture 1698

Dude, I can totally relate. I was just writing the same thing over here!

Picture 1699

I mean the constant nagging... You should be crawling, its time for a nap, don't put that in your mouth... I could fill a book!

Picture 1701

We just need to relax.  Want to paint?

Picture 1661

Um, is the Pope Catholic?
Ooh, how did you mix those colors?

Picture 1678

Oh my gosh, you don't know how to mix colors!?!?  It's so Art 101.

Picnik collage

Whateve.  I'm taking a drink break.

Picture 1669

Aah.  That's better.
Picture 1671

Um hello?  I was drinking that!

Picture 1683

Geeze, what am I??? A second class citizen?
Picture 1682

I give up!

Picture 1684

Is it snack time yet???


Chad said...

Is that the BIGGEST pencil EVER or is Michael shrinking...

Sarah said...

What up!?!? Where is your awesome profile pic??? No worries, Michael hasn't shrunk since the last time you saw him... We are just the proud owners of a ridiculously large pencil.

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