We've been Ghosted!
Mike opened the door this morning and this little guy scared the you know what out of him.
After gathering his wits about him, he looked down and found this.
After a little detective work, we discovered that we were in fact "ghosted" and left it out for Michael to discover.
Inside the bag was a letter and ghost along with some special treats. The idea is to pay it forward and "ghost" 2 more people in the "hood."
You leave these on their door so everyone knows they have been "ghosted."
So on the way to work I prowled the neighborhood to see who was still fair game. I drove slowly past all the houses to look for the ghosts, all the while thinking, I'm so glad I don't drive a windowless white van, people could get the wrong idea...
Hopefully they will get as much joy as Michael did this morning!
Start one in your neighborhood!
This is adorable!
Most of my neighbors turn off their porch light to avoid trick or treaters. I'm moving to your street :)
I am not familiar with this type of ghosting. However, I plan on educating myself immediately by talking with ghosting expert Chad Markham.
Chris Torrone
That is a great idea!
You are funny. What are you doing for Halloween?
We are celebrating Justine's birthday on Halloween at our house. What are you guys up to?
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