Thursday, October 7, 2010

Fall Harvest

Last night Colin fell asleep early and Michael was busy watching Land Before Time 112 (just joking, but they have made at least 12 of those little buggers.) Mike was still in Washington D.C. (yep he was gone, just didn't want to tell anyone on the world wide web in hopes of not getting murdered) and I was bored, so I headed outside to clean up our garden. We have already picked and eaten all of the lettuce and peppers that we planted and our pumpkins were looking pretty sorry, so I just started pulling old things out of the ground and chucking them.
Our little friend Michael couldn't miss out on the fun so he threw on Mike's shoes and headed out to help.
He was thrilled to finally pick our 3 surviving pumpkins (they are pretty tempting to pick, so little ones were already picked here and there throughout the summer and used as balls.)
We gathered the ripe tomatoes and all we are left with are parsley and carrots.
Sad to see our little garden go for the fall, but already looking forward to planting again next spring!
Oh, wondering where that third pumpkin is? Well, Michael dropped it as soon as his picture was taken with it.
Happy Fall!

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