Friday, October 8, 2010

Airing dirty laundry

I'm stripping tonight. Diapers! I'm stripping Diapers. Get your head out of the gutter!

Oh, Let me explain. It all started last night when I was quietly standing over my dryer stuffing the inserts into my Bum Genius diapers. After the first few diapers, I started to feel what could best be described as a waxy film on my fingers. I knew right then and there what it was . I had read about this before. It was detergent residue. Like a foolish character from an After School Special (you know, the girl who thinks she can have unprotected sex and not get pregnant, or the one who can try drugs just once and not get addicted) I thought that detergent residue would not happen to me. You see, you are supposed to wash diapers with special detergent to avoid this. I do that. BUT, and this is a big BUT, you are also supposed to wash ALL your other laundry with the same type of detergent to avoid cross contamination. I thought I could get around this. There was no way I was going to use a small container of $15.00 detergent to wash all our clothes. As I sat there on the laundry room floor, hugging my knees, rocking back and forth crying, my life flashed before my eyes. I saw myself pouring liquid Woolite into my machine, then I saw myself hours later washing my prized cloth diapers (the ones Mike says I love so much I want to marry) in the same machine. I saw Colin waking up at 4 am the night before crying because he was wet. My diapers were REPELLING (fancy cloth diaper lingo for no longer absorbing because of buildup) they were turning against me. I knew I couldn't give up. I knew this wasn't the end. I decided to move forward. I picked myself up by the boot straps and called my accountant.

He informed me that $15.00 for 80 loads

Is a way better deal than $9.00 for 25 loads.

So I went to the store and bought more Charlie's soap. I was going to persevere. I was going to fix this mess that I started. I was going to wash ALL of my laundry with Charlie's Soap!

I then referred to my bible of cloth diapering. I read that it is important not to panic. OK, deep breaths, calm down Sarah. I read that there is a simple fix and its called Stripping. Wait, what??? I just had a baby. I cant strip. I read on. I didn't have to take off my clothes after all. This kind of stripping involves 2 things. Hot water and Oxi Clean.

So tonight I am stripping. I will wash my precious cloth diapers in the hottest water possible with a few scoops of Oxi Clean.
Let this be a lesson to all. When faced with life's toughest challenges, a level head and a little Oxi Clean will help every time. Well not every time, but you know what I mean.


Liz said...

Oh girl...I know you were hoping I wouldn't ready this post. But as you know, I have been there. I too found myself resorting to stripping at 31 and I can say with certainty, it will all come out in the wash. Chin up!

Lib Stewart said...

I love your post - and the new layout of your blog is great! Now carry on with the stripping.

Sarah said...

Thanks guys! Glad you like the new layout Lib!

Jordan said...

Give it up hippie. :)

Sarah said...

Whatever Jordan. Im getting you a years worth of diaper service when you have kids:)

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