Monday, May 31, 2010

Cha Cha Cha Changes

There have been a lot of changes around here since bringing little Colin home-
  • A lot of diaper changes, especially because Michael doesn't think its cool to go in the toilet anymore.
  • A lot of attitude changes; Michael can go from being a perfect angel to being a perfect terror in a matter of seconds.
  • Roll changes- Mike has become the primary care taker of Michael while I have been tending to Colin.
  • Outfit changes- between Michael, Colin and myself (breastfeeding can be messy) our washer and dryer hasn't had a break since we got home from the hospital.

Although it has been a big adjustment for all of us, I wouldn't change a thing. We have also had very sweet moments between Michael and Colin. Mike and I are really enjoying having a small baby around again and its so much fun getting to know a new little human! Life is good.

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