Monday, May 31, 2010

1 Week Old Today!

Colin turned 1 week old today! I cant believe how fast this first week has passed by. He is a really easy baby so far (knock on wood). He never is one to turn down a meal and he loves to be held and cuddled. He is off the jaundice lights (he only needed to be on them for a day) and is turning whiter and whiter as time goes by:) He is having more awake time now, but it seems to happen more at night (we need to correct that asap). I think that he is now looking more like Mike and I am seeing less and less of Michael in him as the days go by. He has regained his birth weight plus more, weighing in at 8 pounds 10 newborn clothes for us!


Justine said...

He is just getting cuter & cuter! Can't wait for our next visit:)

Unknown said...

He is so beautiful.....congratulations Sarah and Mike and Michael :)

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