Thursday, August 13, 2009

"Big Bath"

Last Friday we had a lot of time to kill before Michael's bed time, so I went against everything Mike and I said we wouldn't do, and put Michael in our bathtub. We didn't want to give him a taste of it, because we knew it would be all we would here about. Well surprise, surprise, he loved it. When I give him an option for a bath or shower at night, he always says, "big bath," so we made a deal that he could only go in the big bath on Saturdays. Yesterday he countered and said, "No, Wednesdays". How he knew it was Wednesday, I don't know.

Michael loved it from the get go.
He brought his train in
and gave it a shower.
He washed his own hair.
Then smiled for the camera,
and practiced swimming.
Then I put the fun to a screeching halt because he started dropping his train and splashing everything around him, including me.

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