Friday, May 18, 2012

Garden/Child Update A.K.A. Work Hard/Play Hard

Our afternoons have been busy working in the garden and worm hunting. I'm being serious. Everyday when Michael gets home from school we find a spot in the back yard and dig for worms. The most coveted are the juicy ones, but the long skinny ones aren't so bad either. DSC_1546.jpg Our garden mid May.
 Both of the boys have taken a strong interest in planting seeds, pulling weeds and watering. I am pretty impressed with the fact that Colin, A.K.A. The Destroyer has been so gentle with the plants. DSC_1551.jpg Some current highlights... Chives. DSC_1558.jpg Lettuce. DSC_1559.jpgHoly strawberry patch!. These are from 6 little plants people. DSC_1562.jpg We are very excited for them to ripen and if my memory serves me correctly, so are the local chipmunks. DSC_1570.jpg Sugar Snap Peas, our favorite. DSC_1569.jpg
Shelling Peas. DSC_1571.jpg And last but not least we added a rock garden.  Feel free to take a look around.  Here you will find pumpkins, zucchini, squash and corn. DSC_1529.jpg Now to the "Play Hard" part. There's nothing like a quick dip in the pool after a long day of working the hoe. DSC_1538.jpg The, er garden hoe. DSC_1543.jpg That's right. Just slip right in and relax those muscles while I go get reacquainted with my old friend Kendall.DSC_1536.jpg


Lib Stewart said...

Your garden looks great!

Loosy said...

FINALLY! That's what I'm talking about. Please keep the posts coming. Don't make me send you a threatening email again.

Oh, and your post is making me crave all things healthy. Seriously, Sarah Master Gardner Welch.

Liz said...

The garden looks absolutely great Sarah!

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