Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dinner Party

Michael has been wanting to have my parents over for dinner in the worst way so he invited them over for a Saturday night dinner party.  He has been asking my mom all week about what he should serve.  From what I heard the conversations went somewhat like this, "Mimi, do you want my mom to make noodles and sauce?" "Pa is coming too right?"  "Do you want a vegetable tray?"

We started off the dinner party prep with a batch of chocolate chip cookies.
Michael and the flour got in a fight.
The flour won.
We really wanted to add some pizzazz, so we took the vegetable tray to the next level with a green pepper dipping bowl.
I know.  I'll give you a minute to soak it all in.
Here Mike is modeling how user friendly the dipping bowl is.
An added bonus- When you get to the bottom you can taste a hint of green pepper.
The entertainment of the night- Legos.
And dinner dress up.
All in all, a pretty successful dinner party.

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