Wow! I am officially 11 months (and some days)!
I'm always on the move.
And babbling up a storm.
I'm really good at crawling and love opening and closing drawers.
This is it folks. The last month of being a baby!
Good thing...These photo shoots are becoming a liability.
Don't be shocked when he starts referring to your camera as "mamma" month until he's one! Ack! Slooooooow down Colin. Wowzers. He is a doll. Ps attended a book party with your darling sis-in-law last night. She was like, I think your freiends with Sarah...I was like....oh, I love my blogging bff!;)
Small world! I want to go to a book study! Do you actually talk about books? How fun!
Time flies!! Happy 11 months, Colin!
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