Mornings are getting tricky around here.
Colin used to be happy sitting in the living room playing with his toys, but now he wants to be where the action is.
And lately the action has been in the bathroom where I get ready.
Michael sets up cars by my feet and races them down the hallway.
Colin sits and watches them whiz by.
My favorite is when he leans around the corner to see where the car ended up, then sort of jumps up and down in a sitting position and giggles.
God that is cute. Do you work outside the home, too? I can totally picture Colin...caroline is doing similar right now. Too cute!
I see from that last picture that you didn't end up needing medical attention post pedicure?
Heidi- Yes, I work part time... I teach every morning until noon. Is Caroline moving at all yet? Colin scoots on his bottom but isn't fast enough to get into trouble yet:)
Jessie- Nope. It was a false alarm. I always panic after pedicures, thinking I'm going to contract some strange disease. I'm sure that doesn't surprise you with my track record:) Oh, and your comment made me think of how they had to whip out the hoover:)
I should also add that I have an awesome mom that drives to my house every morning to watch the kids while I work. She even does laundry and cleans. For free. I'm spoiled.
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