Friday, March 18, 2011

Happy Weekending!


Now if the rain would stop, we have some planting to do.

Oh, and don't laugh but I want chickens.

Gardensphere is selling chicks and offering classes.


Shut up Jordan.

*I should probably mention that Mike has put his foot down, but a girl can dream...*


Jordan K. Foster said...

What? I dig chicks! You gotta check out - its chicken coop builder up in Seattle. Unfortunately you might have to remind Michael its not a fort.

Jordan K. Foster said...

We had to fight for chickens in Bremerton:

Sarah said...

Oooh, I like those ones! I was looking at this but think your link is way cooler. Who would have though you would be pro-chick? You will have to help me talk Mike into it tomorrow:)

Heidi Bruch said...

So cool. I want chickens too. So convienent. My sis in law is getting some. Yum, yum.

Heidi Bruch said...

Ps, I don't laugh. We had them growing up and we lived in Bellevue. You can totally rock them.

Liz said...

Do it. I'll buy some of your eggs for sure. And I'm looking for a good goose egg supplier for my baking as well.

Jordan K. Foster said...

Liz maybe you and Sarah can work out a trade... you still buying cows?

Sarah said...

Say what? Goose eggs!?!?! Sounds crazy:)
Ya, what's up with the cows?

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