Saturday, March 19, 2011

D to the C

A.K.A. Dinner Club

Jon and Ashleigh hosted this month's dinner club. 

The theme... Comfort.
Picture 1816

Picture 1795

Picture 1789

Picture 1807

Picture 1793

Picture 1785

Don't hate. I own a mini Crock.  Booyah!

Picture 1784

Picture 1782

Picture 1781

Picture 1815

I was a  little, er... full so I failed to document the desserts. 

But let me tell you they were pure comfort. 

Just close your eyes and envision large Rice Crispy Treats and cookies.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yet another dinner club i never knew about... ;) (I thought it was the dinner club that never was, but Chris just informed me that he was out of town and declined...)

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