Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Conversations with Michael


Michael always says things that make us chuckle.

Here are a few of our recent favorites. 

Don't judge.

A conversation between me and Michael-

Michael- Mom why do you always yell at dad?
Me- What are you talking about?  I don't yell at dad.
Michael- Well you whine at him all the time.

A conversation between Michael and Mimi-

Michael (Looking at a picture from Olen and Justine's wedding)- Mimi, what was wrong with your hair?
Mimi- Well my hair was a different color then. 
Michael- I was a lot smaller in that picture and you were a lot younger.

A conversation between me and Michael while "playing store."-

Michael (the customer)- Here I would like to buy this.

Me (the OLD cashier)- I can't see that I'm so old.

Michael- Here I'll help you, I'm new.


* Chrissy * said...

So sweet. I actually laughed out loud in front of lots of peeps...opps not supposed to be on the internet...

Loosy said...

This post just made my day.

Mike said...
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Mike said...

Well he was spot on in that first conversation...

Liz said...

Love him!

NickandKatieAdams said...

I love him too. So honest.

juliek said...

Don't you just love the honesty of kids? Not!

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