Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Love them.

Picnik collage

And I apparently love stripes too.


malia said...

So darling! And I was just saying to myself this morning that there's nothing better than boys in stripes.

Heidi Bruch said...

They r so handsome, Sarah! Don't you love them together? melts my heart to see our gals together. How can anyone have just one?! Ps how do you edit these into a collage? What program?

Sarah said...

Yes, I love watching them play around together! Colin is just happy sitting there watching whatever Michael is doing but he LOVES it when Michael will actually play with him. If I wasn't so sleep deprived I would continue my campaign for a 3rd:)

I make the collages on You can do a lot of other stuff on there too. I think you will like it!

Justine said...

So cute - love them too!!!

Loosy said...


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