Sunday, October 24, 2010

5 months old today!

Hi Everyone! Its me again, here to give you a 5 month update!!!

5 month

So the big news is...

Wait for it, wait for it...

I rolled over!!! Yep, you heard me right. 4 days shy of my 5 month birthday I finally pulled the trigger and rolled from my back to my stomach.

I have also started solids and LOVE them! The first was rice cereal, then we moved to squash and today I got sweet potatoes. My mom even has to cut me off sometimes because she doesn't think my stomach could possibly hold that much food.

I have been practicing falling asleep on my own in my crib too. Sometimes I do well and sometimes I go back to my old standby, the swing. My mom keeps on telling me I wont be able to fall asleep in the swing when I'm 20. Today I actually got so worn out from all the 5 month excitement that I fell asleep under my play gym!

Picture 469

That's all for now. Maybe next month I will be sitting. No, never mind. Lets not get too crazy. Maybe I will work on staying on my stomach for more than 5 minutes. Ya, that sounds good. Staying on my stomach for more than 5 seconds, I mean minutes it is.


Liz said...

No way! Is that possible? 5 Months?!

Lib Stewart said...

Happy 5 Month Birthday Colin!

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