Saturday, September 25, 2010

Giving it a shot

After 3 years of disposable diapers with Michael and 4 months of disposables with Colin, I have decided to switch over to cloth. I really wanted to try it before Colin was born, but Mike basically put his foot down and said it would be too much work with a newborn (he was probably right.) Now that Colin is a bit older and I feel like we have gotten into the groove of taking care of a little one, I am ready to try it. After a bit of research on both the Internet and talking to a friend that has done it, I ordered a few different options. I didn't want to feel the pressure of running out of diapers before I could get a load washed, so I ordered enough to feel comfortable. Most of the cloth diapering sites recommend buying 18-24 diapers, so that's what I did. I also plan on keeping some disposables on hand if we are in a pinch or will be away from the house for awhile.

These are the brands I decided to go with...

An all in one diaper that is supposed to grow with your baby.
These are sized diapers, so I went with medium which will last for awhile (up to 30 pounds).
You can use these on their own (old school style) with the Snappi Fasteners, or you can simply fold them in with a cover (below). You can also lock them up like Fort Knox and do both.
Diaper Covers
(to put over the prefolds)
Bummis Super Whisper Wrap (love the dots on these)
Thirsties (love the color options)
(a great alternative to the pins)
Snappi Fasteners
So why go through all the trouble of folding and washing cloth diapers, when I can just do the disposables?
1. Cost- Yes, it is expensive at first to buy all of the diapers and special detergent, but I think that I will be saving money in the long run. (Maybe I should wait for our next water bill before making this bold statement.)
2. Convenience- It may not be convenient to always be washing diapers, but I am sick of running to the store to buy the disposables.
3. The Environment- We all know that disposables aren't good for the environment, so consider this my gift to Mother Earth.
4. Style- They are just plain cute. I have always liked the look of the different covers and I could probably go bankrupt buying them if Mike would let me!
Colin's new diapers should be arriving sometime next week. He will be sure to model the different styles for this blog and I will keep you updated on what brands I like the best!
Wish us luck!
If you are interested in cloth diapers visit Green Mountain Diapers. There is a bunch of info there!


Liz said...

Way to go girl! OK, now you will need: Charlie's soap (, a wet/dry bag (, a diaper sprayer ( a couple good diaper pails (they have a really cute small galvanized with lid at lowes for $13). Sorry Mike. xoxo

Sarah said...

Thanks Liz- The Charlie's soap was just delivered today. I am going back and forth about the sprayer though...some reviews said it broke/leaked.

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