Sunday, June 6, 2010

Weekend Warriors

Mike had to work all day on Saturday, so I came up with a "little" project to keep Michael entertained and my parents at my house for a majority of the afternoon (can you tell I don't want to be left alone with 2 kids all day). I know, I know I need to buck up. Anywho, I turned to Sunset magazine for some plans and my dad for his handy work to get a raised vegetable garden in our backyard. This "little" project ended up costing about 4 times the estimated cost in the magazine, but hopefully it will provide Michael with some fun and entertainment this summer, so it will be well worth it.

"Pa, you know what they say, measure twice, cut once."
"This Handy Manny saw seems to be doing the trick."
In the ground at last.
Now all we need is some dirt.
32 cubic feet of dirt and two trips to Home Depot later we are ready to fill this thing (thanks Mike).
Spreading it like so.
Ta Da!
Weather permitting we will plant our starters and seeds tomorrow.
Hopefully in 90 days or so we can have a salad.


Justine said...

It turned out great! Can't wait to see it:)

Lib Stewart said...

Your garden looks great! I left an email for Terra Organics - if we go with them I'll send the referral credit your way. So good to see you all yesterday!

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