I'm 1 month old today! My mom cant believe how fast this month has gone and she gets a bit emotional when she talks about it (I know, she needs to get a grip). I have done a lot in my first month of life. I have been circumcised (wasn't the highlight of my month), been to the park, to the zoo, to my Mimi and Pa's, on play dates, to Chad and Megan's new crib, Watson's, Rock Pasta, and to the doctors on 4 different occasions because I have had jaundice, acid reflux and gas issues. At one month of age I already have 2 prescriptions (this has made life a bit easier for my folks). I love to be bounced and walked around the house for hours. My mom and I watch all the shows my dad wont watch (mainly on Bravo and E!) at night when everyone else is asleep. I hate my car seat and cry each and every time I am placed in the thing. I will usually cry so hard that I fall asleep, so I have missed out on a few adventures due to my comatose state. I'm also not a huge fan of pacifiers or bottles. As a matter of a fact, my mom had to cancel her hair appointment last week because she cant be away from me for more than an hour (hee, hee). I love to sleep in my Boppy and take cat naps in the Papasan. My mom keeps trying to put me in this Moby thing and I usually resist, except today I felt so bad for her that I obliged and even fell asleep in the darn thing. My dad has this bounce/wiggle thing down that he tries on me when I'm crying and I usually stop within seconds and drift off into sleep. My brother is pretty cool. He entertains me when my mom is busy by bouncing my chair and making funny faces. Anywho, life is good so far. Cant wait to see what month 2 brings my way!
That's me, one day shy of 1 month!

Love this post! And love that he finally went in the moby!
I can't believe how big he's getting! Can't wait to see him again:)
I happen to know a lovely lady that would LOVE to play. Sounds like these two have a lot in common. Let us know when!
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