Wednesday, June 16, 2010

3 Week Update

Its hard to believe that Colin is already 3 weeks old! The time has really flown by and taking care of 2 kids has been a lot easier that I thought it would be. Michael has been a great big brother. He is very protective of Colin and loves to hold him. When Colin is crying or if I have to feed him, Michael is great at entertaining himself. He will quietly do a puzzle or play with his toys until I am available. Colin is still sleeping a lot but has two 3 hour periods where he is awake during the day. He is content for the first 2 hours, but you better plug your ears by the time the third hour rolls around:) His sleep patterns are still pretty unpredictable at night. Sometimes he will sleep for 3 hours strait and other times he is up every hour to eat. I find that I am much more relaxed taking care of a newborn this time around. I am tired, but I remind myself that there will always be a time in the future to sleep. I will never get this opportunity back again, so I am trying to savor being a mother to 2 little boys.
Chubby Colin

Doesn't Colin look thrilled?

1 comment:

Liz said...

I'm so glad Michael has been such a stellar big brother, we expected nothing less of that sweet kid. And I'm glad you seem to have such wise perspective about sleep and enjoying your time must be getting enough coffee! :)

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