Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Michael has been very busy lately running around outside with some new neighborhood friends, so this here is a rare position that you will find him in nowadays. He will literally spend up to 4 hours riding bikes, playing in the dirt, looking for bugs/frogs, and rolling down hills without so much of a break to come inside to eat a snack. I sometimes have to chase him around with a juice box and granola bar just to make sure he doesn't collapse due to malnutrition. Luckily Mike was kind enough to buy me a blue folding chair complete with a cup holder that I can park my hiney on while Michael is running the streets. If you are ever looking for me between the hours of 1-5 just drive by our house and you will see me and my big belly sitting there on the sidewalk (its probably quite the sight).

1 comment:

Jordan K. Foster said...

Team Captain?... Chillaxin on the couch, huh? Must be taking a cue from Griffey.

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