Sunday, May 16, 2010

8 days to go!

*Just so you know, that expectant mother in the background is not me. I just noticed she totally ruined my shot:)

With only 1 week to go before my scheduled C-Section I thought I would list a few things that I will miss about being pregnant (mainly because I am at the end of my rope with this pregnancy, so I was thinking it would make me feel better):)

Here we go.
The Top 10 Things I Will Miss About Being Pregnant...

10. Not having to walk around with my stomach sucked 24 hours a day in hopes of not looking pregnant.

9. The reserved parking space I have been taking advantage of at my favorite grocery store.

8. The extra "free" calories I have been able to consume.

7. I am also enjoying the "temporary" (wink, wink) housekeeper that Mike finally let me hire.

6. This 39 cm belly has been a great excuse to put my feet up and not move an inch the second Mike gets home from work.

5. People keep telling me how good I look for being pregnant. Nobody usually goes out of their way to tell me how good I look for not being pregnant:)

4. The anticipation and excitement about what/who the baby will look like.

3. The spending spree I have been able to go on these last 9 months to get ready for the little guys arrival.

2. Feeling a tiny human kicking away inside of you.

1. Two words- Elastic Waistbands


Jess said...

8 days!!! Can't wait to meet him.

Liz said...

#5 is hilarious, but for the look pretty great all the time pal! Can't wait to meet the babe.

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