Tuesday, May 18, 2010

11th Hour Craving

I have never in either of my pregnancies had a craving. There have been foods that I lean towards, like with Michael it was Chinese and now it is Mexican, but I have never had that, "Mike you need to go to the store to get this for me craving." That is until now. Now I cant get enough lemonade. I could seriously go through a gallon a day if I would allow myself. I even find myself wondering downstairs at 2 in the morning to get a glass, then I wake up at 6 and need more. At this rate both baby #2 and I are on the fast track to diabetes. Lets hope this ends soon, but if not I can at least add some vodka to it next week. Yes, you heard me correctly, I am all for drinking and breastfeeding...shoot me.

1 comment:

Liz said...

No judging here. Let's be honest, what else do you think inspired the authors of "12 hour's sleep by 12 weeks old"?

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