Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Details and Decisions

We have finally made some decisions on "flair" for the nursery!
This is being personalized with the baby's mystery name and will go above the bed.
This will go above the crib.
And after all of the great comments about the mobile, we decided on this one. It actually came down to this one or the ninja one. Hard, hard decision:)
And now I have another question for my fellow moms out there. Is a hooter hider a must?
Yea or Nay?


Jess said...


anne said...

I'm not a mom yet, but I have several friends and family who insist that this is a must...for whatever that's worth. :)

malia said...

absolutely...worth every penny. It has saved me many embarrassing, anxiety ridden, sweaty mom nursing moments. no brainer!

Liz said...

I say yea too...just relaxes the experience a bit. And I found the perfect t-shirt for your circus baby, can't wait to give it to you!

Sarah said...

Thanks guys! I have one in the mail as we speak!

jessica said...

yes - i really like the bebe au lait ones. Having that extra piece of plastic that holds the opening there makes all the difference. But I also think that these kinds of nursing tanks are a must because it allows you to pull your shirt up without your stomach being fully exposed.http://www.motherhood.com/Product.asp?Product_Id=957440362&MasterCategory_Id=MC29

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