Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Top 10 Reasons Im Excited to Have All Boys

Since we announced that we were having a boy yesterday people keep on asking both Mike and myself if I'm upset, which I think is such an odd question. We are both thrilled to be given a chance to bring another life into this world and ecstatic that yesterday's ultrasound revealed that I was carrying a HEALTHY baby, which is all that really matters. To tell you the truth I could care less if we had 10 boys, as long as each and everyone of them was happy and healthy. Oh and by the way, my eggs aren't dried up people...there may be a few good ones left in a couple of years, and by that time maybe Mike's sperm will slow down and maybe, just possibly we will have a girl...but if not and we do by chance have another boy I will be excited for the following reasons...

10. I think that elastic headbands on baby girls with no hair are creepy.
9. The Tux Shop is a whole lot easier and cheaper than shopping for a prom dress.
8. Ever heard of a Mamma's Boy?
7. I don't know how to do hair. (Have you ever noticed that I have had the same hairstyle since high school)?
6. Pink nursery's give me an upset stomach. So do pink toys.
5. Did I mention we have 6 large bins of boys clothes in the upstair's closet?
4. I will be the only one with out of control female hormones in this house.
3. I have already learned the names of all the characters in Cars.
2. Boys can pee anywhere.
1. Its called 2 rehearsal dinners b*#%$!!!


Justine said...

Heck yes!!!!

Liz said...

I'm actually a little jealous right now. :)

Sarah said...

Liz- I'm secretly jealous of leggings, tights and that cute bracelet that Lucy wears, but dont tell anyone:)

Liz said...

I'll buy your little man a very dudely pair of baby legs, how's that?

juliek said...

Well said. I actually feel like I am destined for boys myself. I always wanted a girl but I can;t imagine my life with out my little boy. And you said it, as long as the baby is healthy, who cares about the gender!!

Jess said...
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Jess said...

Love this post! My personal favorite for having two boys is that they are the only two boys I have to worry about. If I had two girls, I would have to worry about *all* the boys out there. (Lesson learned from my dad raising two girls)
Love that you are so excited about having a healthy baby more then the gender. That's what matters.

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