Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Scarlet Fever, Seriously

If you have been wondering why we have been MIA its because Michael came down with a case of Scarlet fever, that's right...the thing that one of the little women in Little Women died from. I didn't even realize that Scarlet fever still existed, but apparently it does and its not as bad as it used to be. It all started out one Wednesday when I noticed Michael was itching his hands. Trying not to be a hypochondriac like usual, I contributed it to dry skin. By Friday, his hands broke out in a rash. Still not trying to jump to conclusions, I thought it was a reaction to some Clorox wipes that I was letting him wash a table with. Therefor Mike and I naively treated the rash with cortisone cream until Tuesday (yes I'm a horrible mother) when I noticed the rash was spreading. We then took Michael to the doctor where they informed us it was a symptom of Strep Throat. Say What? I thought that Strep Throat caused a fever and a horrible sore throat, which Michael never had. Well apparently Michael didn't let on that he was in any pain because the Strep test came back positive and I felt like the worst person in the world that I didn't take him in sooner (in my defense though, this all took place over the Marin Luther King Jr. Holiday). That night I Googled "rash with Strep Throat." It was then that I discovered if a rash shows up with Strep it is called Scarlet Fever! I have definitely learned my lesson to take Michael to the doctor if something is off and feel lucky that it didn't turn into anything more serious!

1 comment:

Lib Stewart said...

Zach had this when he was a little guy. I was told that the rash usually concentrates on the warmest parts of the body. Zach had a lot of rash on his torso, but the worst was on his thumb (that was always stuck in his mouth - yes, he was quite a thumb-sucker!) We finally had to put a big bandage on his hand so he couldn't jam it in his mouth. Hope you had better luck and Michael is on the mend.

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