We are throwing around names here in the Welch household and one of them was Jackson. Do you think that it would be weird if we had a Michael and a Jackson, like people would make fun of them and call them Michael Jackson? Just wondering.
Oh and if you have any good name suggestions we are taking them. Mike prefers the longer ones that can be shortened later in life and I prefer the short ones (Jack, Jake, Sam, Liam to name a few). This name thing is hard because we know so many little boys out there that have taken all of the good names!:)
I'm thinking you might be smart to avoid the name Jackson. :) Each time you write out your names - gifts, Christmas cards, letters - their names will be right next to each other.
As for suggestions...I'm not sure you'll like these (I like some of 'em), but maybe it will help to spark a few new ideas.
William - Liam for short
Jacob - Jake for short
Remmington - Remy for short
Abraham - Abe for short
Patrick - Pat for short
Peter - Pete for short
Jonathan - Jon for short
Benjamin - Ben for short
Isaac - Ike for short
Christopher - Chris for short
Daniel - Dan for short
Charles - Charlie/Chuch for short
Robert - Robby/Rob for short
Dustin - Dusty for short
Pregnant Sarah is hilarious. Now this picture will forever come to mind if you name him Jackson. Here are some of my favorites:
Brady (feel free to take this one, Brady Beaty sounds horrible.)
And Anne, nice touch adding Ben as one of your names. Isn't that your husband's name? Well played. I, however, will not be adding baby Geno to my list.
I love the name Jackson, but will be honest in admitting that I think people WILL make the correlation, unless you immediately and always refer to the baby as Jack. When he's older and his Mom is not constantly referring to him in conjunction with his brother, he can become Jackson again. :) How about Peter (Pete)? That's my new favorite I think.
I never thought of it that way. Glad you did. I am back to liking Sam.Mom
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