Thursday, February 19, 2009

Staying Close to Home

Since everyone in the Welch family is under the weather (Mike being the worst), we have been trying to take it easy at home. I feel bad for Mike because it seems like the pain from the tonsillectomy is getting worse and he has a fever that is hanging on. We are pumping full of pain pills and antibiotics, so hopefully he will begin to feel better in the coming days.
Here are some pictures of Michael exploring the word of Play-Doh:)


Jess said...

Yea, glad Michael likes the Play-doh set! I feel so bad for Mike - I literally wanted to die after mine. Keep him drugged Sarah!

Anonymous said...

So fun, wish I could hang out with you guys;) See you tonight!!

Liz said...

Poor Mike. Hmmm, that play-doh set looks like something we should own. Where did Jessie find that? Henry met your Mom at the coffee shop yesterday - he wanted to know where Michael was. Hope we'll see you soon.

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